
CRC Wednesday Indoor Bullseye League (Precision Pistol)


Match Dates: Matches are held each Wednesday star/ng October 2, 2024 and ending Wednesday March 26, 2025

Time: There will be two relays beginning at 10:00 am, and 6:00 pm.
Place: Cincinnati Revolver Club
Approved Firearms: Please refer to the CRC Range Rules located on the club website.
Course of Fire: National Match Course; 10 shots Slow Fire, 10 Shots Timed Fire; 10 Shots Rapid Fire.

Matches: Revolver Match consists of one (1) National Match course, 300 points.
Rimfire Match consists of two (2) National Match course, 600 points.
CF Match consists of one (1) .22 National Match course and one (1) CF National Match Course, 600 points.
Signing Up: There is a notebook labeled “Wednesday Bullseye League” located on the desk. There is a sign-up sheet for each week. All relays use the same sheet for that week. On the page for the week you are shooting enter your name and the amount paid. There is column for Rimfire scores, Revolver scores, and Bullseye scores. Make sure you enter your score in the correct column. Place your payment in the front of the notebook. There is a laminated sheet in the front of the notebook with match fees. Scores will be posted within one (1) week following the date of the match via email.

Awards: Competitors must have a minimum of 13 matches to be eligible for awards. If you are competing in multiple disciplines you must have a minimum of 13 matches in each category.
For Example, if you are competing in Revolver and Bullseye you would need 13 Revolver matches and 13 Bullseye matches to be eligible for an award in each category. You may not use a match in multiple categories. Awards are given out at our annual board meeting held in May.

Handicap: The Wednesday League is a handicap league. Your handicap is figured on your weekly scores. Final standings are based on your season handicap taking your top 13 scores.

Everyone is welcome to par/cipate. If you have not tried league shoo/ng, try it. Many of the compe/tors go out for food or beverage following the matches. Maximize your club membership and think about par/cipa/on in one of our leagues. Rifle matches take place on Tuesdays, Pistol and Air Pistol on Wednesday. Great opportunity to learn more about shoo/ng, meet fellow members for friendly compe//on and socializing.

Bob Sansone
Wednesday Bullseye Match Director 513-236-7619 bsansone@trivaco.com